Evidence-based instructional practices are teaching strategies that have been validated by intensive research. One way to share evidence-based practices with practitioners is to use a learning exemplar. A coach can highlight specific evidence-based instructional practices within a learning exemplar. When sharing learning exemplars, it can be helpful to refer back to relevant national, state, or program learning guidelines and align feedback to behaviors in observational program assessment tools.
Coaches can also use a learning exemplar to provide a snapshot of an ideal illustration of something the teacher can replicate. In this scenario, the learning exemplar is used as a way to provide the teacher with a visual representation. A learning exemplar that is focused on a specific instructional goal can be a more direct way to help a teacher with a specific goal. Including links to exemplar videos and or artifacts in advance for the teacher to preview can make this process more efficient! During coaching sessions, the coach can provide mentoring prompts to help the teacher reflect on the exemplar in relation to their own practice as well as check the teacher’s understanding.
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