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Actionable Feedback

Provides adaptations, modifications, or extensions to improve future delivery of instruction or support

  • Definition: In this context, you can think of adaptations and modifications as changes that improve instruction or support. An extension describes an addition to the instruction or support. In this competency, a coach recommends or suggests specific steps (an adaptation, modification, or extension) to make improvements to an activity, lesson, or interaction. The steps are actionable—that is, a practitioner can follow concrete steps to understand how to improve what they are doing. This competency can be demonstrated during one-on-one conversations (e.g., lesson debrief, mentoring guidance) with a practitioner and does not require the coach to provide in-the-moment support.
    • Example of an interactive activity a coach can use:
      • Using a scenario, share examples of adaptations, modifications, and extensions– ask the learner to identify the correct strategy

Provides opportunities for immediate practice by recommending adaptations, modifications, or extensions to improve instructional delivery or interactions, in the moment and when the coach is present to provide support

  • Definition: Giving practitioners ideas for adaptations, modifications, or extensions (changes or additions that lead to improvements) that they can practice in-the-moment with a coach present can be a powerful way for them to attempt something new (or tweaked)! Practitioners may be unsure or uncertain of how to implement the new adaptation, modification, or extension, which may require some coaching support. This type of competency lends itself well to in-the-moment coaching (remote or face-to-face). In this competency the coach provides actionable feedback to the student/teacher during the lesson, activity, or interactions to make improvements in the moment.
    • Example of interactive activities a coach can use:
      • Provide three options– ask the learner to identify which lesson can be enhanced
      • Show an example of a coach and teacher working in the moment
        • Freeze the frame and say, “In this moment, what would be an appropriate adaptation or modification to the lesson?”

Builds on what the practitioner is already doing by providing actionable feedback that pushes for more skilled practice and supports more complex, sophisticated implementation of evidence-based practice

  • Definition: Actionable feedback is when the coach explains specific steps the practitioners can take to make improvements in their practice. In this competency, the coach takes what the practitioner is currently doing and suggests doing something in addition  to help the practitioner “take it up a notch.”
    • Example of where a coach could give actionable feedback:
      • “You did a great job with this lesson, and the children really responded well. Next time you could try upward scaffolding to really challenge them.”